Introducing Slope Formula

Saturday, September 17, 2022

File for the Post: Introducing Slope Formula

This week, we began our Chapter 3 “Linear Functions” unit. My team introduces Linear Functions by first teaching how to find the slope from two ordered pairs and a given table. We strongly emphasize using the slope formula, since it is on the student's Algebra 1 Formula Chart. 

This year, I decided to create and laminate a “Slope Formula” template for students to write on with Expo Markers (HIGHLY recommend it)! To be honest, I didn’t think a majority of students would like to write on the sheet, but I was wrong. This was very successful (especially in our Algebra 1 co-teach classes).


After the notes, students completed the following cut-and-paste activity. Students had to match ordered pairs and tables that have the same slope. Students really enjoyed this activity and felt confident using the slope formula by the end of the class period!

Any interesting ways that you teach the slope formula? Would love to hear more successful teaching strategies!


Algebra 1: Domain and Range

Saturday, September 3, 2022
File for the Post: Algebra 1 Domain and Range

Do your Algebra 1 students struggle with finding the domain and range of continuous graphs? I created this Domain and Range flip-book a few years ago when I was teaching Algebra 1. We spend about three 50-minute class periods teaching domain and range. 

Day 1: Students find the domain and range of discrete data. Highlighters are a MUST for domain and range. We have students highlight the domain and the x-axis in one color and then the range and the y-axis in a different color. This year, we did a quick scavenger hunt over the lesson as an assignment. Overall, all of the Algebra classes thought day 1 went great and students were very successful!

For those who are wondering what "DRXY... that's our algebra battle cry" is, it is a phrase that I created that correlates to my schools pep rally song.

Day 2: Students find the domain and range of continuous data. Our students always seem to struggle with finding the domain and range of continuous data. Highlighters are still a must for students to use. I know there are different teaching methods of teaching domain and range (sticky notes/boxes/highlighters). I haven’t had much success with sticky notes but if you have, please let me know how it works for you and your students. :) 

Students always have great discussions with the partner activity that I created.

I hand any student that seemed to be struggling during the notes (I usually walk around while I teach with my iPad and assess understanding) the following intervention worksheet to complete before moving onto the partner activity. I created this multiple-choice intervention practice sheet this year and it seemed to have great success!

Day 3: Mixed review practice... We are doing a mini re-teach review this upcoming Tuesday and then following up with a Create a Face Activity.

In previous years, students seem to slowly catch onto domain and range through spiral review and warm-ups. Any advice and teaching tips that I can share with my team would be greatly appreciated :)!

Questions for teachers who have experience in Algebra 1 or teaching domain and range:

  1. Do you recommend teaching continuous data or discrete data first?
  2. What method of teaching domain and range have you found to be most successful?

See the top of the post for the files :)