Multi Step Equations INB

Friday, September 29, 2017
File for the Post: Multi Step Equations INB

While looking for a document, I found that I have created MULTIPLE foldables over the same concept. My first foldable that I created over solving equations is pictured below...

You can find the original post here: Solving Equations Flip-Book

I decided to create the following foldable last spring to use this school year. However, I did not use these foldables this year. The resource Algebra 1 teacher did use them this school year though! So, at least it was used somewhere. :) 

Sooooo.... below are the pages that were actually used this school year. The only downfall was how long it took students to cut the pages out. Next year, I will trim the paper down with a paper-cutter to save time. I really liked how fast the foldable was since it was a review topic from middle school. 

After the foldable, we completed my Solving Equations Stations Maze. It was a success!

I have realized that I will never be satisfied with using the same foldable from the year before. I always try to improve each school year and build upon students strengths and weaknesses. Yes, it's a lot of work.... but, it's totally worth it!

I am also wearing this shirt any time we review solving equations... From my experience, students are visual learners and they remember any of my shirts! lol  Click here if you want one too!


Relations and Functions Card Sort

Thursday, September 14, 2017

This lesson was created for a mandatory tutorial session for Algebra 1 students. I was in charge of creating a 30 minute review lesson over "Relations and Functions." This lesson had to include a 5-10 minute review lesson and an activity.

First, students went over this graphic organizer with four practice problems to review relations and functions. 

After students reviewed relations and functions, they independently completed the following cut and paste activity. If you read my blog, then you know all about my love for card sorts! 

Students had to match up the correct table, graph, map, and ordered pairs together and determine if the relation was a function. If you download the activity, then you will notice that there is a separate document that does not require cutting (if you do not have the time). 

Sorry for the short and sweet post, I just had several teachers ask for the cut and pasted document. 


Simplifying Expressions w/ Two Step Equations INB

Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Yesterday, I realized that I haven't blogged in over TWO MONTHS! This is just unacceptable :)

Here are some ideas for simplifying expressions and two step equations in Algebra 1. The first page was reviewing how to simplify expressions by combining like terms and using the distributive property. I borrowed the steps from another blogger but I cannot remember who. If it was you, please let me know and I will give you credit!

It always seems to click with students when food is involved. Who am I kidding? Food always works with me too! Students really enjoyed seeing pizza, fries, hamburgers, and ice cream on the front of their foldable.

After completing the foldable, students completed the following activity where they had to simplify all of the cards to see which two cards simplified to the same expression.

In regular Algebra 1 classes, students did not go over the next couple of foldables. However, these foldable went over great with my special education students. My lower level students really needed to review one step, two step equations, and translating word problems. 

Below are pictures of a foldable that I made but did not use. An Algebra 1 Resource teacher used this foldable though and loved it!

 Below are pictures of solving two step equations and translating key words.

Overall, I am LOVING Algebra 1 and I have way too many new ideas/activities/foldables that I need to share. I will try to start blogging again and post new ideas at least twice a week. 

Here are the files that I used in this post: