2016-2017 Right Triangles Unit

Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Here are a few glimpses into my right triangles interactive notebook pages. I created several new pages this year and thought I'd share! :)

Day 1: Pythagorean Theorem

We went over this new flip-book that I created over the summer. We broke it up into separate sections to not make the lesson seem so long.

Some of my classes went through these Pythagorean Theorem Real World Applications Task Cards.

My resource classes made Rockstar Math Teacher's Pythagorean Theorem Real World Situations Poster.

Overall, this was a GREAT block day! I allowed students to do a "Pythagoras Project" to replace 2 of their lowest homework assignments. Here are two examples of students who opted to do this project.

Day 2: Converse of Pythagorean Theorem
This is also a new foldable that I created over the summer. I re-made Erin Atwood's Converse of Pythagorean Theorem Slider (Click Here For Her Free Slider on TPT).

Afterwards, we completed my Converse of Pythagorean Theorem Card Sort (that you can find here). Students showed their work in their interactive notebook.

Day 3: 45-45-90 Triangles
I have used these next couple of foldables for the past 2 years since I love them so much. You can find my original blog post when you click here. 

Day 4: 30-60-90 Triangles
These are also old foldables that I have used in previous years. You can find my original blog post when you click here. 

Students then completed my Special Right Triangles Color By Number (click here for original blog post). I found some typos that I will be fixing soon so I had some students choose their own colors :). Here is one example of the "correct" color by number and one where student chose the colors that they wanted to use. I may modify it in the future so students can choose their own colors.

Day 5: QUIZ (BOOO!!!); Students did well (YAY!!!!)

Day 6: Trigonometric Ratios
I have also used this foldable for the past 2 years but I am going to change up the right side of the foldable. I would rather them practice finding missing sides and angles of each given ratio. Here is a link to my original blog post (click here). You can find the homework and warm-ups that I gave students on TPT (CLICK HERE).

After foldable, students had just enough time to work in pairs to complete this Trigonometric Puzzles Activity that I made last week! LOVED IT!

Day 7: Angle of Elevation and Depression

Right Triangles = LOVE! I am excited to share some of my resources that worked well with my students. If it works well with your students, please let me know! I always love to hear feedback and/or any other resources that you use with your students.

Here are some of the foldables/files that I used throughout my right triangles unit: 

I have the links to all of the other foldables in previous blog posts.

Differentiation with Warm-Ups

Thursday, January 26, 2017
I'm trying something new with several of my classes this unit and I'm really liking it so far! During the past 2 years, I don't really give my students "warm-up" questions when they walk in. Normally, students walk in, cut out their foldables, and set up their interactive notebook. 

This year, I have issues of several students not turning in assignments and I really need to receive feedback (other than quizzes and tests) to assess their understanding. However, student's level of understanding vary GREATLY in my classes this year. I have pre-AP drop outs or students who should be in pre-AP but do not want the extra work. I have regular on-level students who rarely need assistance. I have special education and ELL students who need A LOT of assistance. If I give all students the same worksheet, I would have students done with 10 minutes left and some that will need to bring it home for an extra 30 minutes. 

I created these differentiated warm-ups so all students will finish around the same time. The one with the most arrows are for my higher level students and the one with the least amount of arrows are for my special education/ELL students who are not really understanding the concept. I put the arrows so students couldn't really see that they were receiving A, B, and C forms. 

So far, I really like how the warm-ups are going since all students are taking the same amount of time.... but, it's taking A LOT of time for me to create them! How do you "differentiate" in your classroom? 


Ratio, Proportions, and Similar Polygons

Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Christmas break is officially over! We are starting off the semester with similar polygons and these interactive notebook pages will be our notes for our first week back....

We will start tomorrow by reviewing ratios and proportions.

For practice, I will be assigning students the partner activity that can be found on my classroom activities page: http://newellssecondarymath.blogspot.com/p/classroom-activities.html. The partner activity that students will be completing will be done independently but together (if that makes sense). Partners will complete separate columns but will both receive the same answer. 

The next day, we will go over the similar polygons flip-book that I have used for the past 2 years. This year, I decided to create activities that go in between the flaps. I created a scale factor card sort that students will complete once we finish the scale factor section. I also created a maze review activity over corresponding sides and angles once we are finished with the whole book. In previous years, we completed the whole book all at once and it was overwhelming so we will see how this year goes!

We will take a quiz on Friday (that can be found here) so I can assess whether we need more practice over solving proportions since similar polygons is heavily based on correctly setting up and solving proportions. If my students are struggling, then we will forget the pacing guide and complete some more practice!

Here are the foldables that I will be using this week: