Interactive Notebook Pages

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Beginning ISN pages

Beginning ISN pages

 Beginning ISN pages

Algebra Proofs Book Foldable

 Points Lines and Planes Foldable
 Points Lines and Planes Foldable

 Collinear and Coplanar Foldable
Collinear and Coplanar Foldable

 Intersection of Lines and Planes Foldable
Intersection of Lines and Planes Foldable

Segments Foldable

Angle Basics Graphic Organizer

Angle Addition Postulate and Angle Bisector Foldable

Angle Relationships Flip-book with Wheel
Triangle Congruence Proofs Book
Similar Triangles Foldable w/ Card Sort

Quadrilaterals Flip-book

Converse of Pythagorean Theorem w/ Card Sort

Special Right Triangles Investigation

45-45-90 Special Right Triangles Foldable w/ Chart

30-60-90 Special Right Triangles Foldable w/ Chart

Trig Foldable

Area & Perimeter of Polygons Flip-book

Area of Regular Polygons Foldable

Surface Area & Volume of Prisms Flip-book w/ Formula Chart

Surface Area & Volume of Pyramids Foldable w/ Formula Chart

Effects of Dimensional Change Graphic Organizer

Circle Basics Foldable

Circumference & Area Foldable

Area of Shaded Regions with Circles Foldable

Tangent Lines to a Circle Foldable

 Cones, Cylinders, and Spheres Foldable
Cones, Cylinders, and Spheres Foldable

 Central Angles and Arcs Foldable
 Central Angles and Arcs Foldable

Sector Area and Arc Length Foldable

Arcs and Chords in Circles Foldable

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