
Sunday, January 10, 2016

Surface Area of Prisms

I use task cards at least once every two weeks in my classroom. I never use them the same way twice since there are a variety of ways to implement them into the class. Students can download a FREE "QR Code Reader" App to check their answers. Here is a list of my favorite ways to use task cards in the classroom:

1) Speed Dating: Arrange desks in two rows and each student receives a card. They will work the problems on the worksheet and scan the QR code to check their answers. Then, the students trade cards with the person they are sitting across from and they will work the problem on the new card that they just received. The "expert" to the problem is the person who originally received the card. After a few minutes, the students receive their original card back and only one row will move down a seat. This will be repeated until all cards are finished.

2) Stations: Place 3-4 cards at a designated station and have students move in groups until they complete all stations.

3) Stand up, Hand up, Pair Up: Give a card to each student and have them work out the problem on their answer sheet. Once a student finishes, they must raise their hand and find another person with their hand raised and switch cards with that person. They will solve the new problem on their worksheet and will continue to "stand up, hand up, pair up" until they are finished with all task cards.

4) Card Game: Pair students up and give one person evens and on person odds. Have them work out the problem and then switch cards when both are finished. Have them compare their answers and repeat until all cards are finished.

5) Interactive Notebook: Print 8 task cards to a page and have students tape down one side of the card into their notebook and allow them to work out the problems underneath the task cards so they have an extra reference sheet/practice.

Helpful Hints: Print task cards on card stock and laminate for durability. I know some teachers laminate them so students can write on them with an expo marker for easy erasing. 

You can download these free color/black and white task cards when you CLICK HERE. Please let me know how these task cards worked in your classroom. My next blog post will be how to create your own task cards with a free template that you can use. 

UPDATE: I just uploaded my volume of surface area of prisms: CLICK HERE

1 comment:

  1. Sadly, the link to your Surface Area Task Cards does not work. It tries to reach a Google drive file. I noticed that your Volume Cards are from Dropbox, so maybe a moved file?
