
Friday, January 8, 2016

Special Right Triangles Color By Number

I LOVE coloring activities. I teach mostly on-level students with 5 out of my 6 classes being in class support (special education). Coloring is a stress reliever for both students and adults, so why not incorporate it into the classroom? I am currently working on a right triangles foldable, but it is hard since I really want to focus on where students have the most misconceptions. If you have any suggestions, please share because I will upload the foldable when it is complete. But, you can download this Special Right Triangles Color By Number Activity for FREE when you CLICK HERE. Please leave feedback on how the activity went in your classroom.


  1. I am really enjoying your posts. The geometry class I co-teach is about one unit behind where you are so your posts are quite timely. I have implemented a few of your ideas with just a few tweaks to make them work for my class. Keep the posts coming!

  2. Thank you so much for the feedback! It keeps me motivated to keep posting notes and activities that work well in my classroom :)

  3. The link is bad! Did you remove the activity?

  4. Thanks for notifying me! I keep having issues with dropbox so I am in the process of moving all of my files to google drive. It should work now :)

  5. Hi! Sorry for the late response, but I do not post answer keys on my blog because my students are starting to realize that I keep up with it and look to see if I post an upcoming test ;)

  6. I was not able to get it to download. :-( I would really like to have it.

  7. Thank you so much for all your foldables! I'm not a new teacher, but this is the first year to teach Geometry and I love foldables!

    1. You're very welcome! Thank you for your sweet comment!

  8. Would you please explain how you arrived at the answers for 6 and 8?

  9. I am also having problems with 6 and 8. Can you please explain?

    1. #6 and #8 on the answer key are incorrect.
