
Friday, June 10, 2016

Algebraic Properties & Algebra Proofs Task Cards

I found these old task cards this morning while cleaning out my Google Drive so I decided to share :). I have about 2 sets of task cards per unit, so next year I am going to start incorporating task cards as exit tickets.

At the end of each class, I am going to use Plickers or printed out task cards as exit tickets. There are different ways that I will probably use task cards at the end of each class. One way is that I can show the task card on the document camera and have students choose an answer choice via Plickers. A second way is that I can hand out a task card to each student (based on their level of understanding) and have them solve it and put it in my Exit Ticket door that can be found here: Classroom Posters.

Any other ideas on how to use task cards in the classroom? You can find other ideas on how to use task cards in this post.

FYI: I do not upload the answers to any of my activities because some of my students are very nosy ;)

You can find the task cards here:

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